Services offered by Prana Energy
The South African energy landscape has become a very complex environment due to electricity-supply constraints, significant electricity price increases, uncertain future price increases, tax incentives for energy-efficiency projects, the introduction of Independent Power Producers, carbon taxes on dirty energy and punitive measures to address over-consumption.
Prana understands that this changing landscape poses unique challenges to electricity consumers trying to find an acceptable balance between the cost paid for electricity and the cost of not having electricity. It is against this background that Prana offers tailor-made solutions to address specific customer needs. The services which we offer include:
Energy strategies for customers which take into account the planned corporate growth path for electricity and steam consumption, security of energy supply, the quantification of least-cost alternatives as well as the identification of opportunities to initiate energy-efficiency projects, fuel-switching projects and on-site power generation projects;
Development services for customers who wish to own their own co-generation facilities. We offer solutions tailor-made to fit the specific situation and these solutions range from pre-feasibility studies to a full turnkey development solution which includes all technical, regulatory, costing and financial aspects for the project.